Vision, Mission and Goals

Boundaries vanish when we look skyward


We all share the same sky and Astronomers Without Borders brings the world together to share our passion of astronomy and the wonders of the Universe.

Observing projects bring people together to share their activities with each other.

Support projects allow those in developed countries to share with others, making it possible for everyone to enjoy the wonders of the night sky.

Online programs bring everyone together live for remote observing.

And in the process of looking outward together, we learn about each other and create lasting bonds, regardless of country or culture.

It is this bond between people that Astronomers Without Borders hopes to foster. A brief message or the gift of a small telescope can grow into lasting bonds, goodwill and friendships that reach around the world. Understanding replaces ignorance and suspicion. Media images are superseded by the faces of real people. Relationships, support and personal connections supplant stereotypes.

Meteor Shower


AWB Builds and Cultivates Community Through Astronomy


Our vision is a global community that appreciates, studies, and shares the wonders of the universe, to broaden perspective, transcend borders, and improve lives.


Through all its activities, AWB strives to promote:
• Community
• Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion
• Evidence
• Empathy
• Stewardship
• Improvement, and
• Empowerment


1) Create and implement astronomy-related programs that inspire and empower a global community of enthusiasts and educators.
2) Cultivate a diverse, international community that will engage astronomy-related enthusiasts and educators in the sharing of resources globally.